The Third Commandment
Hadawar hashlishi הדבר השּׁלישׁי
Thou shalt not take the name of יהוה thy God in vain; for יהוה will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. (2M 20:7 (6))
Question: What does the third commandment order us?
The third commandment orders us:
1. Not to pronouncethename of God in vain, in useless and nonsensical conversations.
2. Not to curse to the name of God and not to blaspheme the name of God.
3. Not to make false oaths in the name of God.
Question: What else does the third commandment teach us?
The third commandment teaches us to honor the name of God, to pronounce the name of God with reverence and only if it is necessary, like if we are praying to God, pleading with him or thanking him,
The third commandment commands us:
1. To carry out promises made to God.
2. To bow down in deep reverence during prayer.
All the above mentioned commands are confirmed in Holy Scripture: