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About the cognition of God

The human mind is not able to fully understand God, one can recognize God only within the limited boundaries of the human intellect. 


Humans can come to the cognition of God in two ways: 

1. In the natural way, which is the way of observation, by the study of nature and by thinking. 

2. In the way of revelation, through the revelation of God to honourable and chosen people. Through these chosen people God revealed his secrets to humankind, including His will and His laws. 

We call these chosen people, who are mediators between God and humankind prophets - newiim נביאים. 

The Holy Scripture ¹) includes: the Law of Moses תּורת משׁה; the Prophets נביאים, which the books that describe the revelations of God to theprophets which contain the prophecies  and the texts written under the influence of prophetic inspiration; and the Writings כּתוּבים - the texts inspired by God בּרוּח הקדשׁ beruakh hakodesh. 

This book serves as a foundation for the cognition of God and His Law which was given to humanity through revelation. 


¹) The Holy Scripture consists of the following 24 books: the five books of Moses, eight books of the Prophets and eleven books of Writings. All these books are collectively known as the TaNaKh, this word is made up of the initial letters of these three parts.